Section Two: The Lost Branch

Shortly before my mom died, she gave each of us kids the above picture in a golden frame. She told us that this was her dad's family - the Zvolaneks - from Bohemia. She thought the little boy in the center was so cute. But I don't believe she ever knew any of their names.

Over time, I've come to believe that the young man on the far right is the brother that came to America shortly after my grandfather did. We call him Uncle Jim, but he was apparently born Waclav Zvolanek. On some paperwork belonging to him, his name is also listed as Wenzel.  Another photo of him, taken in Nebraska, appears below.

I don't believe my Grandfather is in this photo. Perhaps this photo was sent to him after he left his home and family. Or maybe it came to America with Uncle Jim.

Immigration papers on Ellis Island's website and Census records on revealed that both Jan and Waclav listed their birthplace as Jacubek, Russia. The Red Cross pinpointed the location for me:  The Ukraine, South of Kiev, Near Christinkova.

Grandfather Jan was born on January 12, 1891 in Russia. Waclav was born on August 13, 1893. Their race is listed as Bohemian, and they both list their father's name as Jan Zvolanek of Jacubek, Russia.

It was nine decades before Jim and John's exact birthplace was pinpointed and verified with official documentation!

Here is a photo of Uncle Jim, born Waclav Zvolanek.