And here's where the internet comes in handy: I went to Google translate, typed in the handwritten words, chose "translate from Czech to English" and voila! I was able to tell that this was definitely a song about Posvicini, the name of a religious harvest festival held in Czech Republic. People thank God for the good harvest and ask him to bless the crops.
I remember my mom telling me that Grandpa had a little "squeeze box" that he liked to play. It seems clear to me now that quite a few of "his documents" are Folk Songs. Wish I could have heard him sing them.
I found a link with translations of several Czech Folk songs. Some internet searches allow you to listen to a portion of these songs which are still being recorded by Czech musicians!
Very roughly, here's a translation of the song. I can refine it later.
But it's after midnight...
The feast,
All the smells,
As in apatyce:
The smells of the sausage, the cakes from the oven again
He who would not go to the feast,
This is crazy after all.
I love the little flower doodles at the bottom of the page!
Here is photo of Grandfather's Honer squeeze box, taken by his Great-Grandson Matt Zvolanek. Thanks, Matt, and thank you Uncle Stan for the additional comments.
I'll publish the other photos of the accordion later. Once again, it's 2 a.m. and I've got to work tomorrow...