While scanning more documents tonight, I noticed that a couple of them appeared to rhyme. I think the handwriting below belongs Ludmila, one of Grandfather's friends or relatives in Nove Ransko:
And here's where the internet comes in handy: I went to Google translate, typed in the handwritten words, chose "translate from Czech to English" and voila! I was able to tell that this was definitely a song about Posvicini, the name of a religious harvest festival held in Czech Republic. People thank God for the good harvest and ask him to bless the crops.
I remember my mom telling me that Grandpa had a little "squeeze box" that he liked to play. It seems clear to me now that quite a few of "his documents" are Folk Songs. Wish I could have heard him sing them.
I found a link with translations of several Czech Folk songs. Some internet searches allow you to listen to a portion of these songs which are still being recorded by Czech musicians!
Very roughly, here's a translation of the song. I can refine it later.
But it's after midnight...
The feast,
All the smells,
As in apatyce:
The smells of the sausage, the cakes from the oven again
He who would not go to the feast,
This is crazy after all.
I love the little flower doodles at the bottom of the page!
Here is photo of Grandfather's Honer squeeze box, taken by his Great-Grandson Matt Zvolanek. Thanks, Matt, and thank you Uncle Stan for the additional comments.
I'll publish the other photos of the accordion later. Once again, it's 2 a.m. and I've got to work tomorrow...
I don't remember dad singing, but I do remember him playing Czech songs on his "squeeze box". It was an M. Hohner push-button accordion which he brought with him when he came to this country. Actually, I learned to play a couple of the songs on it, and Ed played it quite well. The bellows deteriorated and leaked air so badly it became difficult to play. The last time Ed was home he took it back to New Jersey with him and had new bellows put in it. I am sure that Belle still has it.